(Posted 3-19-2020) [Read below policy for our Limited Contact Process]

We understand that many of our customers (individuals with underlying health issues) are the population most at risk from COVID-19. Westside & Eastside Medical Supply realize that we are obligated to be extra diligent in using precautionary measures to not transmit this virus.

We also understand we provide essential services to support our customers with disabilities that cannot be simply put on hold until this pandemic has subsided.

Therefore, we will continue to operate but will follow the below procedures:

  1. Any of our staff who may have any of the symptoms associated with this virus (such as: fever, cough, shortness of breath) will not be working or in contact with any other member of our team.
  2. Any of our staff who to their knowledge have come in contact with someone who has, or they believe may have, COVID -19 will similarly not be working or in contact with any other member of our team.
  3. At this time, we will try to avoid nonessential visits (such as: annual maintenance) and to the extent possible will try to walk through and resolve service issues on the phone (at no charge)
  4. All our staff will use a hand sanitizer or disinfect prior to entering and again on leaving any customer home.
  5. All our staff will use a disinfectant on the demo products and tools they typically bring into a customer home.
  6. Our staff will avoid shaking a customer’s hand and will try to maintain social distancing to the degree possible.
  7. Our staff will try to contact as little in the customer’s home as possible and will ask the customer to contact as little as possible of what we bring into the home.
  8. We will use disinfectant on the surfaces of the any stairlift we have installed or serviced.
  9. We also request that any customer tell us if any member of their household have COVID-19 symptoms or has been in contact with someone who has COVID-19
  10. We suggest any family with a particularly vulnerable member of their household keep that member away from any visitor to their home (including us) and the other household members wash their hands after any visitor (including us) have left.
  11. Rental equipment will be thoroughly sanitized, as always, and quarantined for at least 7 days before rotated out to another customer.

Our first objective is the safety of our customer and our own staff but despite the above it is impossible for anyone to guarantee not transmitting this virus. It is ultimately the customer’s decision if they want visitors to their home during this period.

We may update this at any time as the circumstances change.


To those who prefer we are offering:
– “virtual sales calls” (no visit)

– “Phone ordering with shipping”
– “no family contact” delivery/ installation process.

Call us to discuss this. No obligation and we will give you a money back guarantee that it will work.

Details of how this process works.


1 The customer takes photos of area of home requiring modifications or transport through.

2 Email ( subject “virtual sales call request” with photos describing your needs and we will email or call you with further questions
3 We discuss all the options and give you a firm price for your preferred option
4 We will mail you the proposal, brochure, links to videos, warranty information etc.
5 We will discuss this with you and any other family members
6 If you go ahead you give us a deposit and we schedule the install


1 We call you when we are at your front door
2 For installs, you unlock the door, but do not need to further greet the installer or be present for the installation. You can go to another part of the home

3 For standard deliveries, we will leave the equipment in your garage along with delivery confirmation forms for you to sign and mail back with a return envelope.
4 After it is installed, he will clean up the area, wipe the equipment with disinfectant, and he will call you to say he is leaving. He will leave an operating manual
5 Final payment can be left for him or done over the phone
6 We will walk you through usage instructions and any questions on the phone

Our guarantee:  If the installer determines on his visit that something was missed in the photos and we cannot install the lift then you will receive a full refund of any deposit made.